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Hungry Cliff Podcast

Jan 31, 2018

A. Crobatic, E. Rgonomic, and G. Ymnaseum.

This week on the Hungry Cliff podcast, the team talks about recent poor nutritional decisions, an odd Diet Coke ad campaign, and referring to people by their first initials. Who consumed the most delicious dessert? How does one get paid to buy groceries? Who cries tears, and of...

Jan 17, 2018

Petit Gâteauthrenia, Insomnel cake, and Chocolepsy cake.

This week on the Hungry Cliff podcast, the team discusses Movie Pass, Pedro's upcoming board game, and past podcasts. Whose kids can't fall asleep? What is the best use for fondant? Where can one find the best ice cream cake? Find out the answers to...