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Hungry Cliff Podcast

May 20, 2015

The Fellow’s Trip to the Brink, The Tutu Towers and We Learn Of The Thing.

This week, what remains of the Hungry Cliff Podcast team chats about recent automotive repairs and one of the best board games based on a major fantasy novel series (out of a surprisingly long list of possible candidates). We can't afford to...

May 13, 2015

Brush on the Shelf and the Wasted Potentials, Eucalyptus Up, and The Stropping Young Lads.

This week on the Hungry Cliff Podcast, the group discusses best practices at the pump, how to shave, and indie music. Also, too many weeks have gone by without any hard-hitting coverage of wall-mounted timepieces, a problem we...

May 6, 2015

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This week, the Hungry Cliff team discusses things that scare them, things that confuse them, and things that really don't affect them one way or the other. What kind of things do pizza deliverymen get up to in Kentucky nowadays? Why can't we put our finger on it? Who, exactly, writes these podcast...