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Hungry Cliff Podcast

Dec 7, 2016

Primeordial Soup, Parchoissi, Select Four.

This week on the Hungry Cliff podcast, Matthew is not here and this is the description you deserve. Time to play some Squishin' Pigs.



Star Shower As Seen on TV Motion Laser Lights Star Projector

Crossfire commercial


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Nov 30, 2016

Spotifire Safety, Shotgun Shoosling, and SiriusXMploration.

This week on the Hungry Cliff podcast, the team catches up on post-Thanksgiving activities. What happens when a major ISP merges with a major content provider? Who keeps complaining about the quality of Hungry Cliff pens? What type of crib is the subject of...

Nov 23, 2016

Versacheek to Cheek, They Can't Take That Away From Gucci, Saks the Knife.

On this episode of the Hungry Cliff podcast, the team discusses the lamentable state of Skype, family weddings, and proper methods of garbage disposal. We also sample a range of snacks within a range of freshness. Which Christmas shirt was...

Nov 8, 2016

The Legend of the Invisible City of KiTooch, The Saint of Bleecker Streep, and Fusst.

This week on the Hungry Cliff podcast, the team discusses restaurants, kitty litter, and daylight saving time. Whose distinctive laugh received audience accolades? What obnoxious nickname have we all agreed not to use? Is there...

Nov 2, 2016

The Lord of the Ring Pop, Pumpkin Bread Alive, and The Adventures of Tintin: The Secret of the Candycorn.

On this episode of the Hungry Cliff podcast, it's time for this year's fall roundup! The team samples a variety of food (again) and argues about movies, or something. Who has an exciting new hair style? Where did...