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Hungry Cliff Podcast

Jan 21, 2015


This week, the Hungry Cliff team celebrates (a bit early) one year of consecutive weekly podcasts. If you're a regular listener, thanks for sticking around! If this is your first episode, welcome! If you're an occasional listener, do better. We celebrate with the typical sampling of questionable food. At the same time, one member of Hungry Cliff has a major announcement to make. Find out who has big news, who took the curry, and who wants to lie in bed for 70 days... all this and more on this episode of Hungry Cliff!



East Meets Jess

Red Velvet Oreos

NASA sleep study



Edy's Outshine Fruit & Veggie Bars

Candy Gummy Bands


Don't forget you can support Hungry Cliff by going to our Shop at the top of our page or by using our Amazon and iTunes Search Boxes at the top-right of our blog. Also, Like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and subscribe to the podcast in iTunes so you don't miss a thing! And if you want to help us out some more, please review us on iTunes 'cause every little bit counts.


Hosts: Tony Silanskas, Matthew Biggers

Guest Hosts: David Houston, Jessica Houston, Mona Lee Biggers, Pedro Mendoza

Intro and outro music: Pedro Mendoza


Email us: tony (at) hungrycliff (dot) com or matthew (at) hungrycliff (dot) com


© 2015 Hungry Cliff